Design of Psycho-Pedagogical Cycle of Subjects, Taking Into Account the FSES: A Modular Approach

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2016, Vol. 2. №4

Design of Psycho-Pedagogical Cycle of Subjects, Taking Into Account the FSES: A Modular Approach

About the authors:

Evgenia V. Korotayeva, Dr. Sci. (Ped.), Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Childhood, Ural State Pedagogical University (Ekaterinburg);

Anna S. Andryunina, Cand .Sci. (Ped.), Senior Lecturer, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Childhood, Ural State Pedagogical University (Ekaterinburg);


This article presents the theoretical and practical foundation for modeling and designing of preparation process of future teachers in which the changes in the federal state educational standards of higher (vocational) education are investigated and taken into account. The main content is a description of designing and implementation of the educational process of professional training in the Ural State Pedagogical University. The basis of this process is a modular approach that includes learning and teaching requirements, goals and objectives, training material which allows to achieve these goals, the variability of activity in the course of training, internal and external control system, etc. With regard to the educational process in USPU modular approach is considered in different ways: a module that reveals phase (sequence) of training; module which provides the implementation of intra- and inter-subject relationship of disciplines being mastered; module which is aimed at the disclosure of interdependence of the theoretical and practical components of the profile training; a resource module, summarizing the experience gained in the field of teaching methods and giving a basis for ordering and advanced designing of material. Besides the article touches the aspects of control, scientific and methodical support in the process of ensuring the effectiveness of the training in a modular format approach. The authors emphasize the idea that the modular approach is just one of the aspects that can make the process of the future teachers' professional training productive both in the process and at the end of training.


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