2016, Vol. 2. №4About the author:
Natalia G. Milovanova, Dr. Sci. (Ped.), Professor, Deputy Rector, Tyumen State Regional Development Institute of Education; n.g.milovanova@utmn.ruAbstract:
The article analyzes the impact of information on education. This computerization is seen as a social phenomenon. The author refers to the origins of the formation of Social Informatics of the last century, highlighting the social significance of informatization of society as a whole. Understanding the educational space as part of the social, the author shows the influence of information as a social phenomenon on all components of the educational space, while stressing the four leading social aspects. These aspects of the conviction of the author are the following: changes in the components of the educational process under the influence of informatization; change themselves subjects of educational space under the influence of informatization; alteration of the boundaries of space and proper educational change axiological field of educational space, requiring information security measures. The article convincingly proved the lack of educational research in the analysis of social values and social aspects of informatization of educational space. Because of this kind of research is carried out in the sociology and philosophy, pedagogy open to the prospects of new research areas.