The Population of the Mekhrengsky Camp of the Kargopolsky District by the Beginning of the XVIII Century

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2016, Vol. 2. №4

The Population of the Mekhrengsky Camp of the Kargopolsky District by the Beginning of the XVIII Century

About the author:

Andrey I. Pobezhimov, Cand. Sci. (Hist.), CEO, Ionik;


The Mekhrengsky camp of the Kargopolsky district was created in the basin of the river Mekhrengi (length of 231 km) — the right inflow of river of Emtsa (the basin of the Northern Dvina). At the beginning of the XVIII century the Mekhrengsky camp consisted of 4 volosts: Seletskaya, Tarasov country churchyard, Seredmekhrengskaya, Church country churchyard.

The article is devoted to demographic processes during era of Petrovsky transformations in the Mekhrengsky camp of the Kargopolsky district: the social structure, population is defined, the reasons of its reduction are explained; ways of leaving from taxes and the state duties applied by the population at this time reveal; marriage connection, level of population shifts and the direction are established; the role of the alien population in development of the become empty yards is shown; it is told about the population Mekhrengi’s business at the beginning of the XVIII century. The author comes to conclusion that reduction of its number, approximately was the main feature of the development of the population twice. At the beginning of the XVIII century the fight for survival of the peasantry of the Mekhrengsky camp expressed in use of various ways of avoidance of taxes, recruitment and violent appeals for the state works is observed. The increase in migrations results. Thus the empty yards actively became newly populated by families, natives of boundary regions (the Ustmoshsky camp of the Kargopolsky district, the Vazhsky district).


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