Motives of Favor and Justice in “Oriental” Stories by F. V. Bulgarin

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2016, Vol. 2. №4

Motives of Favor and Justice in “Oriental” Stories by F. V. Bulgarin

About the authors:

Imomzoda M. Saidali, Аcademician, Dr. Sci. (Philol.), Consulting Professor, Department of the World Literature, Russian-Tajik (Slavonic) University (Dushanbe);

Bakhtiyer R. Rakhmanov, Cand. Sci. (Philol.), Associate Professor, Department of the World Literature, Russian-Tajik (Slavonic) University (Dushanbe);


The article considers “oriental” stories by F. V. Bulgarin connected with image of the governor and reasonings on the principles of government: “Justice and Merit” (oriental fairy tale), “The Law and Conscience” (oriental legend), “Favor and Justice” (oriental story), in which the author solves a social and political dilemma — the favor and justice of the sovereign. Emergence of the above-named works was a natural phenomenon. On the one hand — the influence of the “oriental” story, in which great attention is paid to the relationship of the people of different social position, and it tells about the sovereigns anxious with thought of fair board and prosperity of citizens. We will remind that in educational oriental story of the 18th century the big place was allocated to promotion of ideas of the educational absolutism. On the other hand, in Bulgarin’s stories we see an appeal to civil service and the sermon respect for the person, despite of a rank and an origin. Because plots and ideological contents of stories by Bulgarin cause associations with fairy tales “The Book of Thousand and One Night,” “Gulistan” and “Bustan” of Saadi Sherazi, and A. S. Griboyedov’s play “Woe from Wit”, which arraised the question of primary sources of works of Bulgarin. Besides, it is revealed that a problem of “favor and justice,” in works by Bulgarin, is opposite to the point of A. S. Pushkin view. Justice and the law are opposed by Bulgarin to the favor of the sovereign sung by Pushkin. The main idea of “eastertn” stories is constitutional monarchy.


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