Conceptualization of Color in the Russian-Speaking and German-Speaking World

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2016, Vol. 2. №4

Conceptualization of Color in the Russian-Speaking and German-Speaking World

About the author:

Alla V. Riabkova, Cand. Sci. (Phil.), Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Professional Communication for Humanities, Institute of History and Political Sciences, Tyumen State University;


This article introduces an approach to the issue of concept and conceptualization of colour features in the cross-cultural linguistic space.

Explication of conceptualization occurs in the process of psychic and information structure activity which reflects people’s knowledge and experience. Alongside with the fact that people intrinsically have intelligence and individuality, they live and develop their personality in a definite society. While integrating into its culture they create their own linguistic world image. Therefore, learning the linguistic world image of any ethnic community happens simultaneously with learning ethnic cultures and mindsets.

Color conceptualization abounds in ethnocultural specific features which are formed through geographical, historical and social factors.

Color connotation is connected with the ethnic color mindset. The examples presented in the article are related to description of the conceptual color features (black and red) and their actualization by linguistic means. These examples demonstrate the existence of subjective perception of the color features mentioned above and which were formed in a definite ethnic society.

The relevance of the research is determined by growing interest for the color naming issue that is studied from different prospectives. Among them are structural and semantic, and cognitive approaches.

The academic novelty lies in the comparative analysis of color naming based on Russian and German fiction texts via the concept and situation approach to ethnic-and-mental context interpretation.

The research might be applied in academic courses in cognitive linguistics, translation theory, culture study as well as in translation of fictional texts.


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