Professional Self-Determination of Students — the Future Teachers in the Context of Meaning Forming

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2016, Vol. 2. №3

Professional Self-Determination of Students — the Future Teachers in the Context of Meaning Forming

About the author:

Eugenia G. Belyakova, Dr Sci. (Ped.), Professor, Academic Department of Methodogy and Theory of Social and Pedagogical Research, Tyumen State University;


The article considers the problem of the professional development of students — future teachers — and explains the semantic interdependence of nature and the nature of the activity of professional self-determination. The significance of professional identity is presented as a professional development criterion. In reliance to the mechanisms of meaning, the approach to designing professional self-development of students disclosed. The conducted empirical study allowed to obtain the data on the problems in the formation of identity of students — future teachers. As a result, the phenomenon of “deferred professional maturation” was recognized, which is connected to insufficient professional experience during high school training.

As a way of resolving the contradiction between the modern conditions of high school training (which is still based on theoretical knowledge of students for the most part) and the need for professional self-determination, the article proposes guidelines for the development of systemic support for their professional development, including three inter-related aspects. Firstly, one needs a meaningful prospect of professional self-development, which can be realized through a designation of one’s professional future. Secondly, active environment is required for the realization of professional development plan that can be implemented in the context of university educational process in classroom forms and traineeship. Thirdly, student activities must be specially organized, which would implement the connection with the environment by means of professional self-development of individual routes.


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