Sense-Making Role of a Communicative Situation in a Cross-Cultural Dialogue

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2016, Vol. 2. №2

Sense-Making Role of a Communicative Situation in a Cross-Cultural Dialogue

About the author:

Lyudmila M. Kozina, Senior Teacher, Department of the English Language, Tyumen State University;


The aim of the article is to justify the importance of sense-making technologies for pedagogical purposes in a cross-cultural dialogue, to point out the role of communicative situations for sense-making process to start up students’ multi- cultural development, and to present a technology of communicative situations’ organization in the cross-cultural dialogue according to the process of comprehension to stimulate personal meanings, which lead to the development of new personal multi-cultural qualities.

The methodology of the research is based on hermeneutic approach. This approach reveals the opportunities of meaning-making in the cross-cultural dialogue for multi-cultural education by creating communicative situations.

Communicative situations in the cross-cultural dialogue, organized according to the process of comprehension (analysis, interpretation, reflection, activity), enable the development of new personal qualities, like empathy, positive motivation for cooperation, tolerance, etc.

The definition of a communicative situation is specified as a means of sense-making in the cross-cultural dialogue, and this process results in personal meanings development. The structural characteristic of such situation is presented, including knowledge and skills, dialogue as a form of organization, sense-making, and dialogical relations.

Communicative situations are presented like an algorithmic rule, according to the stages of comprehension. Different ways of creating the situations are considered.


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