2016, Vol. 2. №2About the authors:
Liliya A. Nefyodova, Dr. Sci. (Philol.), Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Linguistics and Translation, Chelyabinsk State University; lan2@mail.ruAbstract:
The article deals with the phenomenon of collaboration as an important element in shaping translator’s language personality. Collaboration is understood as a joint decision-making process with total submersion of participants into a common communicative context. There have been suggested teaching scenarios that involve both class and out-of-class collaboration at the stage of preparation for consecutive interpretation; and at the stage of evaluation and analysis of the completed interpretation. The scenarios of collaborative learning are based on the use of cloud online services. The development of collaborative skills contributes to shaping competent interpreters who are able to solve various problems quickly and efficiently by working in a team, manage time and efforts wisely, communicate with co-workers and clients correctly with the aim to achieve a set goal. These behavioral patterns are insufficient and are highly demanded in the modern labor market.