Updating the Content of Teaching and Research Functions of Classical University Education

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2016, Vol. 2. №2

Updating the Content of Teaching and Research Functions of Classical University Education

About the author:

Irina N. Yemelyanova, Dr. Sci. (Ped.), Associate Professor, Department of General and Social Pedagogy, Institute for Psychology and Pedagogy, Tyumen State University; matra2005@yandex.ru


Based on the analysis of history and the theory of the issue and the studies of the missions of 47 universities — the members of the Association of Classic Universities, the author of the article makes an assumption about the priority of training and research functions at all historical stages of the development of classical university education. The author proves that the changes in the content and basic functions of university education are initiated by socio-economic challenges. Among the most serious challenges are the following: professional and practical orientation of higher education, which is carried out at the expense of the fundamental nature of education; globalization and openness of education, which are a threat to the national traditions and culture; the development of knowledge industry, which has greatly expanded the field of educational services and has led to the loss of education quality; innovation as an indicator of scientific productivity, which requires universities to link their research with the socio-economic priorities, and which, thus, creates unequal conditions for such fields of scientific research as engineering and humanities. Responding to the challenges, a university will apply an expert function in the implementation and evaluation of the quality of education, a predictive function in the development of priority scientific areas, and a culturological function in preservation of national interests and culture.


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