Reflection in the Soviet Historiography of the Influence of Lena Events of April 4, 1912 on Introduction of Obligatory Workers Insurance in Russia

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2016, Vol. 2. №2

Reflection in the Soviet Historiography of the Influence of Lena Events of April 4, 1912 on Introduction of Obligatory Workers Insurance in Russia

About the author:

Alexander D. Protasov, Postgraduate Student, Document Science and Document Support of Management Department, Institute of History and Political Sciences, Tyumen State University;


The article investigates the reliability of the statement fixed in a domestic historiography about the influence of the Lena gold mines workers execution the on the discussion and adoption of the insurance laws of June 23, 1912. Some authors declared that only the wave of a working protest which followed in response to the tragedy on April 4, 1912, forced the imperial government to start the consideration of bills. Other researchers, addressing sources, have come to the conclusion that the rise of the labor movement in 1911 became a reason for consideration of the insurance laws. The analysis of verbatim records of the meetings of the III State Duma and the State Council allows to claim that the bills had been actively discussed since the spring of 1911. By the time of the incident in the Lena mines they had passed all the main stages of discussion. The author concludes that the statements about the impact of the Lena tragedy at the beginning of the consideration and adoption of the insurance legislation are unfounded.


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