Metonymic and Metaphorical Epithet in the Works of Marina Tsvetaeva

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2016, Vol. 2. №2

Metonymic and Metaphorical Epithet in the Works of Marina Tsvetaeva

About the author:

Sergey A. Gubanov, Cand. Sci. (Philol.), Associate Professor, International Market Institute;


The article is devoted to a debatable issue in the theory of an epithet, namely to the ratio of a metonymic and metaphorical component in the semantics of an adjective with a figurative meaning. The aim of the research is to describe a number of ways to create epithets basing on the mechanisms of creating epithets with figurative meaning. The textual analysis was conducted using the works of Marina Tsvetaeva (1916), when the author paid special attention to somatic vocabulary and metonymic shifts in the names of attributes. The main method of analysis was the contextual analysis based on the semantic method. It is noted that metonymic logics of understanding an attribute in the context of the modified word is the basic and primary in constructing an image whereas metaphorical logics occurs at the stage of perceiving the figurative definition. The author of the article considers cognitive foundations of epithet shifts and the role of metonymic shifts for verbalizing the author’s worldview, as well as for expressing basic concepts of the poet. Continuous sampling analysis enabled the author of the article to reveal the statistical data on the productivity of metonymic and metaphoric epithets in Marina Tsvetaeva’s poetry. Semantic analysis of epithets was employed to identify the role of metonymy and metaphor in the categorization of reality in Marina Tsvetaeva’s poetry. The results of the research can later be used as a source to clarify the concept of “a metaphtonymical epithet”.


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