The development of humanitarian culture of students of pedagogical major in the course of their scientific notion formation

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2016, Vol. 2. №1

The development of humanitarian culture of students of pedagogical major in the course of their scientific notion formation

About the author:

Olga A. Zheglova, External Postgraduate Student, Academic Department of Methodology and Theory of Socio-Pedagogical Researches; Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages and Cross Cultural Professional Communication of Humanities, University of Tyumen;


The aim of the article is to present the procedure and results of the experimental work devoted to the development of the humanitarian culture of future teachers, taking advantage of certain mechanisms of meaningful conceptualization of the pedagogical knowledge. The author has proved the practicability of using pedagogical scientific notions as elements of the training content and building a linguistic concept on its basis. A linguistic concept is regarded as the means of teaching material structuring to develop humanitarian culture of students of pedagogical major.
The author reveals the pedagogical potential of research methods of related to pedagogy sciences: hermeneutics, cultural linguistics, psycholinguistics applied to the process of future teachers training. The author has elaborated directions for the successful development of the humanitarian culture of future teachers in the course of formation of scientific notions. The directions include: the presentation of the linguistic concepts formed on the basis of scientific pedagogical notions as invariants of humanities subjects content; the observance of certain principles of teaching content selection initiated by the author; the systematization of teaching materials with account of linguistic concepts meaning and the appliance of educational texts of different genres and sources (scientific, journalistic, artistic and aesthetic) to the cultural experience of the subjects of education. The results of the research work can be used in teaching psychological and pedagogical sciences and other humanitarian subjects at all levels of education.


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