The contents of a linguistic identity development in the competence-based model of the general education

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2016, Vol. 2. №1

The contents of a linguistic identity development in the competence-based model of the general education

About the author:

Elena N. Volodina, Cand. Sci. (Philol.), Associate Professor, Tyumen Regional State Institute of Development of Regional Education;


The article presents the comparative analysis of two educational strategies in the modern system of the general education: learning language as a subject, and linguistic identity development. The purpose, conceptual approaches, the contents, and the system of competences act as the basis for comparison. The article aims at proving that the content of the linguistic identity development is much wider and more diverse, than the content of the Russian language learning as a subject matter or teaching medium in any other subject domain: it has a system-founding value in the axiological and semantic personality formation, and it is realized at another methodological basis — the linguoculturological, which synthesizes the humanitarian and scientific contents and provides the mediated reflexive comprehension of mankind’s cultural foundations by a school student. The concept of the linguistic identity development’ contents is presented as tested in the Tyumen region schools’ experimental activity. The articles defines the contents’ components, selection, development, and integration principles, realization mechanisms in fixed and extracurricular activities, the software and its assimilation results in the form of system of competences of a student as a language personality. The implementation of the linguistic identity development concept will provide conditions for the school students’ self-realization, reflexing, and their successful socialization.


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