The organization of medical care to villagers of the Ishim river region

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2016, Vol. 2. №1

The organization of medical care to villagers of the Ishim river region

About the author:

Yelena P. Yermachkova, Cand. Sci. (Hist.), the Head of Humanities and Natural Sciences Department, Tyumen State University (Zavodoukovsk branch);


The articles investigates features of the organization of health care in the Siberian province during the post-reform period, when volost and rural clinics and medical assistant's points began to open to provide health care to peasants, and graduates of the highest and average medical educational institutions of the Russian Empire went to large villages and villages. Along with official, in the region there were representatives of nonconventional medicine — sorcerers, midwives, who for many years were competitors of the diplomaed doctors acted. The most part of settlements of the Ishimsky district of the Tobolsk province was located near the rivers, lakes and bogs — sources of infections, epidemiological diseases. Dirty water, bad sanitary conditions, mass inflow of immigrants, a low standard of life, insignificant number of the medical personnel led to the outbreaks of such diseases, as smallpox, scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles, a typhoid, and cholera. The analysis of archival documents and pre-revolutionary editions that allows to reveal the leading causes of death of peasants is provided, to establish duration of their life, to track positive consequences of introduction of health system for inhabitants of Ishim river region.


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