The problems of the pre-revolutionary Russian editions on modern history of Kaiser Germany

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2016, Vol. 2. №1

The problems of the pre-revolutionary Russian editions on modern history of Kaiser Germany

About the authors:

Stanislav N. Sinegubov, Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Professor, University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia;,

Sergey P. Shilov, Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Professor, University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia;,


The article considers the pre-revolutionary Russian publications of both native and foreign authors (in translation) devoted to the modern history of Kaiser Germany. The importance of their studying consists in understanding the orientation of the Russian scientific thought of 1871-1914, and the identification of those subjects and problems which caused the greatest interest at that time. Besides, the analysis of these works shows how the process of creation of the foundations of German novistics in Russia went, as well as some tendencies of the subsequent researches in this area. On the basis of the conducted research the authors came to certain conclusions. The works published in pre-revolutionary time on modern history of Kaiser Germany in general were remarkable for a thematic variety, saturated informational content, and serious scientific analysis corresponding to that time. Besides the generalizing works, the important place in pre-revolutionary Russian Germanic studies was taken by special researches on domestic and foreign policy of O. Bismarck, Wilhelm I and Wilhelm II, and the position of German proletariat. Besides their historiographical value, all the works can be used by modern writers as a source material.


  1. Bernatskiy, M. V. 1911. Teoretiki gosudarstvennogo sotsializma v Germanii i sotsialno-politicheskiye vozzreniya knyazya Bismarka [Theorists of State Socialism in Germany and Socio-Political Views of Prince Bismarck]. St. Petersburg: tipo-lit. Shredera.
  2. Bismark, O. 1889. Iz memuarov Bismarka. Mysli i vospominaniya [From the Bismarck Memoirs. Thoughts and Memories], translation and commentaries by M. V. Slonimsky. St. Petersburg: red. “Novogo zhurnala inostr. literatury”.
  3. Bismark, O. 1900. Memuary knyazya Bismarka. (“Mysli i vospominaniya”) [Memoirs of Prince Bismarck. (“Thoughts and Memories”)], introduction, commentaries, and translation by M. Poltavchenko. St. Petersburg: red “Vestnik inostr. Literatury”.
  4. Graf Bismark. Biograficheskiy etyud [Count Bismarck. A Biographical Outline], translated from English. 1870. St. Petersburg: tip t-va “Obshchestvennaya polza”.
  5. Iollos, G. B. 1908. Pisma iz Berlina [Letters from Berlin]. St. Petersburg: “Obshchestvennaya polza”.
  6. Krivenko, S. N. 1890. Imperator Vilgelm II i voprosy mezhdunarodnoy politiki [Emperor Wilhelm II and the International Policy Issues]. St. Petersburg: tip. kn. V. P. Meshcherskogo.
  7. Lindenberg, P. 1895. Berlinskiy dvor i Vilgelm II [Berlin Court and Wilhelm II], trans. from German by V. Genken. Kyiv-Kharkiv: Yuzhno-russkoye kn-vo F. A. Iogansona.
  8. Modestov, V. I. 1888. O Germanii: Nauka, shkola, parlament, lyudi, stremleniya [About Germany: Science, School, Parliament, People, Aspirations]. St. Petersburg: tip. V. S. Balasheva.
  9. Noveyshaya istoriya Germanii 1866-1895 g. Kratkiy ocherk sobytiy [The Recent History of Germany in 1866-1895. The Brief Outline of the Events], translated from German. 1895. Odessa: “Mezhdunar. b-ka”.
  10. Novgorodtsev, L. V. 1904. Germaniya i politicheskaya zhizn [Germany and Political Life]. St. Petersburg: Znaniye.
  11. Orlov, A. P. 1905. Sushchnost i istoricheskoye znacheniye tak nazyvayemogo “kulturkampfa” v Germanii [The Essence and the Historical Significance of the So-Called “Kulturkampf” in Germany]. Sergiyev Posad: tip. Svyato-Troitskoy Sergiyevoy lavry.
  12. Pogozhev, A. V. 1882. Fabrichnyy byt Germanii i Rossii [Factory Life in Germany and Russia]. Moscow: izd-vo tip. A. Kartseva.
  13. Protsess Gardena-Moltke. Sensatsionnyye razoblacheniya iz zhizni vysshego germanskogo pridvornogo obshchestva [The process of Garden-Moltke. Sensational Revelations of the German Higher Court Society Life]. 1908. St. Petersburg: kommerch. tipo-lit. Vilenchika.
  14. Reich, E. 1908. Sovremennaya Germaniya [Germany's Swelled Head], translation from English and introduction by A. Vandam. St. petersburg: tip. A. S. Suvorina.
  15. Reybel. 1908. Iznanka germanskoy nravstvennosti [The Other Side of the German Morality], translated from French. St. Petersburg: tip. “Berezhlivost”.
  16. Saturin D. 1906. Germanskiy imperator i narod [The German Emperor and the People]. Rostov-on-Don: “K svetu”.
  17. Sementkovskiy, R. I. 1895. Knyaz Bismark, yego zhizn i gosudarstvennaya deyatelnost [Prince Bismarck, his life and state activity]. St. Peterburg: tip. t-va “Obshchestvennaya polza”.
  18. Slonimskiy, L. Z. 1908. Knyaz Bismark. Opyt kharakteristiki [Prince Bismarck. Record Experience]. St. Petersburg: “Polit. Entsiklopediya”.
  19. Stepanovich, A. 1871. Kharakteristika grafa Bismarka i yego politicheskaya deyatelnost. Sostavleno po nemetskim, frantsuzskim i angliyskim istochnikam [The Record of Count Bismarck and His Political Activities. Compiled from the German, French and English sources]. St. Petersburg: A. Stepanovich.
  20. Tissot, V. 1876. Prussaki v Germanii [Prussians in Germany]. St. Petersburg: tip. t-va “Obshchestvennaya polza”.
  21. Tissot, V. 1876. Puteshestviye v stranu milliardov [Travel to the Billionairs’ Land], 21st trans., rev. and suppl. edn. St. Petersburg: “Obshchestvennaya polza”. 
  22. Utin, Ye. I. 1892. Vilgelm I i Bismark. Istorich. Ocherki [Wilhelm I and Bismarck. Historical. essays]. St. Petersburg: tipo-lit. I. Yefrona.
  23. Virm, E. 1899. Zhizn nemetskikh rabochikh, ikh pitaniye, kvartiry, dokhody, kosvennyye nalogi, bolezni i smertnost [The Life of the German Workers, their Food, Apartments, Revenues, Indirect Taxes, Diseases and Mortality], revised by D. Protopopov, translated from German by M. Mandelshtam. St. Petersburg: Izd-vo “Znaniye”.
  24. Zashchuk, I. I. 1908. Germanskiye kolonii. Znacheniye ikh v ekonomicheskom, politicheskom i voyennom otnosheniyakh [The German Colonies. Their Significance in the Economic, Political and Military Relations]. St. Petersburg: tip. G. Skachkova.