The Abalak icon in the context of the Siberian cultural space

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2016, Vol. 2. №1

The Abalak icon in the context of the Siberian cultural space

About the authors:

Alena M. Levtchenko, Graduate Student, Tyumen State Institute of Culture;

Alexander P. Yarkov, Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Professor, Head of Ethno-Religious Relations Department, Tyumen State University;


The present article is concerned with the analysis of the iconography of the Abalak Icon “Znа́meniye” (Our Lady of the Sign) and determination of cultural value in the perspective of Russian cultural space and social life. 
The purpose of the article is to determine the features of the locally esteemed icon and its cultural ties with the visual culture of Rome, Moscow and Novgorod, as well as to systematize facts about the historical and cultural significance of the research.
The research covers the time period from 17th to the beginning of the 20th century.
The authors’ methodology includes the description of iconography, comparative and structural types of analysis.
Previously A. I. Sulotsky, D. A. Rovinskaya, N. A. Abramov, I. A. Manuylova, M. N. Sofronova, N. V. Kazarinova, T. A. Kryuchkova, and others have researched the historical aspect of this topic.
The article presents the relevance and the problems of the research: the resumption of the Abalak icon search, which was lost in the XX century; contradictory evaluation, fragmentation and insufficient scientific coverage.
The authors have identified and systematized historical data about the icon, its sacredness and the role in the social and cultural life of Siberia and Russia. Yet the hypothesis of another prototype is presented. The article also reveals a historical connection of the icon with some outstanding events and personalities.


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