2016, Vol. 2. №1About the author:
Mariannа A. Kazazaeva, Cand. Sci. (Philol.), Associate Professor, Department of Philology and Methodology, Irkutsk State University; mar4272@mail.ruAbstract:
The problem of establishing clear boundaries on the synchrony shifts line in the diachronic description of the language is poorly understood and therefore relevant; also there is an open question regarding the chronological binding, which occurred in the history of the Russian language changes. In the center of the article there is the question of the chronological framework of the modern Russian language and the objective criteria for their allocation, existing at the present stage of development of linguistics. The question is raised concerning the origins of the development of the Russian language from Indo-European language, the development of which was done by a logical and sequential progression of phases of convergence and divergence. The author of the article provides a brief overview of the history of the matter in question, describes the basic criteria existing for the allocation of the most effective principles of the division of language history by period. The author also sets out her own proposals on the principles for the identification of the borders of new synchrony and their peaks, taking into account the factors resulting from the influence of a number of cumulative reasons of both external (extra-linguistic) and internal character, associated with the mechanism of the device of the system of language.References: