On the problem of reflecting a man’s spiritual life in the phraseological picture of the world (on the example of the Russian and Chinese languages)

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2016, Vol. 2. №1

On the problem of reflecting a man’s spiritual life in the phraseological picture of the world (on the example of the Russian and Chinese languages)

About the authors:

Nadezhda V. Razumkova, Cand. Sci. (Philol.), Associate Professor, Department of Russian Language and Linguistics, University of Tyumen; 18nadezhda3@mail.ru; ORCID: 0000-0003-3260-2076

Wang Hongming, Doctor of Philology, Dean of the Russian Language Department, Qufu Pedagogical University; xiaozhang@mail.qfnu.edu.cn


The article is devoted to the research of specific features of the image of the world of two nations — the Russians and the Chinese. The purpose of the article is to identify the priorities of the national language consciousness, which model a person’s image from the positions of universal and ethnic language specifics in the lexicological and phraseological systems. The set phrases characterizing a person have been chosen as an object of research, while the subject for consideration is the interpretation of the phraseological units in the context of culture in correlation with its codes, which are the basis for an ethos’ figurative comprehension of the surrounding environment. The objectives include the discussion of a problem of coding ethnic cultural realities, according to the Russian and Chinese lexicography, and clarification of the structuring and storage mechanism of ethnic cultural memory of the speakers of typologically different languages. The comparative analysis of idioms with a “dusha / 心 / soul” component revealed features of “the inner person”, and on their basis the authors have made some conclusions concerning the specifics of the character of a national language-culture’s representative. Such features as straightforwardness, sincerity, and altruism prevail in a spiritual and psychological portrait of a Russian person, while the Chinese have the dominant features of pragmatism, modesty, and emotional restraint. The authors of the article focus on the importance of the applied aspect of the declared problem in the sphere of cross-cultural communication, as well as in the field of linguistic pedagogy.


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