Development and implementation of the model of forming practice-oriented research competence of teachers in the university educational space

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2015, Vol. 1. №4(4)

Development and implementation of the model of forming practice-oriented research competence of teachers in the university educational space

About the authors:

Olga A. Selivanova, Dr. Sci. (Ped.), Professor, Department of General and Social Psychology, Tyumen State University;

Olga S. Andreeva, Cand. Sci. (Psych.), Associate Professor at the Department of General and Social psychology, Tyumen State University,


The article provides the justification of the components (cognitive, practical, valuable), compiling the model of practice-oriented research competence of students-teachers, in educational space of university.
The mechanisms of forming practice-oriented research competence are characterized: involvement in actual activity, emotional involvement in a situation (providing a motivational basis of changes), interaction between “a figure and a background”, the use of real social interaction. 
The characteristics of the environment of a higher educational institution, necessary for effective development of the studied competence are allocated: practical focus, informativeness, coordination of a higher educational institution with enterprises, the correlation of theory and practice, the participation of teachers of a higher educational institution in practical pedagogical activities. The experience of the Student’s association “The studio of practical psychology and pedagogics 'Stalker′ of Tyumen State University is presented in the article.


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