German periodicals on internal political crisis in the Naval Union at the beginning of 1908

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2015, Vol. 1. №4(4)

German periodicals on internal political crisis in the Naval Union at the beginning of 1908

About the authors:

Stanislav N. Sinegubov, Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Professor, University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia;,

Sergey P. Shilov, Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Professor, University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia;,


In the article the authors analyze some publications fr om German periodicals devoted to internal political crisis in the Naval Union at the beginning of 1908. They reflected the moods of the German society, excited by the conflict during several years between the head of the German Imperial Naval Office A. Tirpitz and one of the heads of the organization major general A. Keim, connected with the naval promotion, and which was solved at the congress of the Union in Kassel in January, 1908. On the basis of the considered material the authors outline that many periodicals estimated the future of the organization with considerable scepticism. A. Keim had a lot of adherents and people believed that with his retirement the internal race for power in the Naval Union would go on. Among “nihilists” there were opinions that he was unnecessary and, as they considered, provoked the discord within the society by his activity, not its unity. The negative attitude of the press was considered in all its completeness by the Naval Department when they developed the political line at Danzig summer congress of the Naval Union in 1908 wh ere the new leaders of the organization, obeying A. Tirpitz’s policy were chosen.


  1. Sinegubov S. N. Podgotovka k prinjatiju flotskoj novelly 1906 g. v Germanii i germano-anglijskie otnoshenija [Preparations for the Adoption of Naval Novel 1906 in Germany and the German-British Relations] // Al'manah issledovanij vseobshhej istorii XVI-XX vv. [The Almanac of World History Studies XVI-XX centuries]. Ekaterinburg, 2008. No 6. Albionika. Vol. 3. Pp. 262-273. (In Russian)
  2. Sinegubov S. N. Germano-anglijskie voenno-morskie protivorechija i problema razoruzhenija v 1906-1907 gg. [German-English Naval Conflicts and the Issue of Disarmament in 1906-1907] // Al'manah sovremennoj nauki i obrazovanija [Almanac of Modern Science and Education]. 2008. No 6. Pp. 191-198. (In Russian)
  3. Sinegubov S. N. Problemy demokratii v upravlenii Flotskim sojuzom v kajzerovskoj Germanii v 1902-1908 gg. [Problems of democracy in the management of the Naval Union in Imperial Germany in 1902-1908 gg.] // Trudy kafedry novogo i novejshego vremeni [Proceedings of the Department of Modern and Contemporary History]. SPbGU, 2014. No 12. Pp. 88-96. (In Russian)
  4. Allgemeine Zeitung. München. 21.01.1908.
  5. Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv. Freiburg, BRD (hereinafter BA-MA), RM3 / 9907. Otchet V. Shvejnburga o prodelannoj rabote na postu sekretarja Germanskogo Flotskogo sojuza [B. Shveynburg’s report on his Work at the Post of the Secretary of the German Naval Union]. 1899. (In Russian)
  6. BA-MA.RM3/2379. Pis'mo rukovoditelja bavarskogo filiala knjazja Vjurtcburga prezidentu sojuza Zal'mu [A Letter from the Head of the Bavarian Branch Prince Vyurttsburg to the Union President Salm. 12.11.1901]. (In Russian)
  7. BA-MA. RM 3/9916. Poslanie knjazja Vjurtcburga v voenno-morskoe vedomstvo. 13.01.1908. [The Message of Prince Vyurttsburg to the Naval Office. 13.01.1908]. (In Russian)
  8. Berliner Lokalanzeiger. 21.01.1908.
  9. Deutsche Tageszeitung. 20.01.1908.
  10. Frankfurter Zeitung. 20.01.1908.
  11. Germania. 21.01.1908.
  12. Lokalanzeiger. 20.01.1908.
  13. Münchiner Neuste Nachrichten. 21.01.1908.
  14. Norddeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung. 10.01.1908. 
  15. Post. 20.01.1908.
  16. Post. 21.01.1908. 
  17. Rundschau. 21.01.1908.
  18. Volkszeitung. 20.01.1908.