Kushnarenkovo type ceramics of settlement Ufa-II

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2015, Vol. 1. №4(4)

Kushnarenkovo type ceramics of settlement Ufa-II

About the author:

Alexander S. Zelenkov, Junior Researcher, Laboratory for Archaeology and Ethnography, Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Tyumen; qvimen@hotmail.com


The article presents statistical analyses of ceramics of Kushnarenkovo culture from the collection of medieval settlement Ufa-II — an important medieval monument of the Urals. The article aims to fill a gap in researches on pottery tradition of Kushnarenkovo culture. Basic morphological and ornamental elements of ceramics collection, which allowed to form classification of vessels, are stated in the article. In the course of these studies the author had the idea about the dependence of vessels’ forms and ornaments on the chronology of Kushnarenkovo culture in the VI-VIII A.D.. Allocated chronological markers, a wide range of analogy in Trans-Urals monuments, compiled classification and statistics may serve as a basis in further researches to solve debatable issues of the origin of Kushnarenkovo antiquities and their connection with other cultural traditions of early Medieval Ural region and West Siberia.


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