2015, Vol. 1. №4(4)About the authors:
Anahit Yu. Khudaverdyan, Research Associate, Institute of Archaeology and Еthnography, National Academy of Science (Republic of Armenia, Yerevan); akhudaverdyan@mail.ruAbstract:
The article provides the description a human skeleton, recovered during the archeological excavation of the Shirakavan burial (Armenia). Palaeopathological analyses revealed a variety of pathologies, allowing inferences about the lifestyle and well-being of an individual from Late Iron Age in Armenia. The study aims to trace the possible evidence of violent interactions that may have happened to the individual. The violent behavior may be the result of the social and political disruption during this period. In addition to traumatic injuries, skeletal lesions are associated with heavy labor and infectious diseases. The man from this cemetery is of special interest owing to the presence of lesions associated with tuberculosis that resulted in a brain abscess. These data suggest stressful living conditions and heavy labor of the period. This case highlights the importance of supplementing palaeopathological analyses with research using historical reconstructions.Keywords: