Participial constructions vs attributive clauses in A. S. Pushkin’s tale “The captain’s daughter”: lexical-semantic groups of attributed words

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2015, Vol. 1. №4(4)

Participial constructions vs attributive clauses in A. S. Pushkin’s tale “The captain’s daughter”: lexical-semantic groups of attributed words

About the authors:

L’udmila M. Baiduzh, Cand. Sci. (Philol.), Associate Professor at the Russian Language Department, Institute of Philology and Journalism, Tyumen State University,
Jing Tong, Postgraduate Student, Department of the Russian Language, University of Tyumen;


Isolated attributes expressed by participial constructions and attributive clauses are traditionally considered synonymous and interchangeable, but it is clear that their interchangeability has certain limitations. The paper attempts to identify the semantic and grammatical potential of both structures. The object of study is the text of Pushkin's tale “The Captain's Daughter”.
The authors analyse the lexical meanings of the attributed words and also define the lexical classification of these words. We reckon that the result of our analysis will allow us to make situations, in which participial constructions and attributive clauses are involved, more observable and comparable, and to identify common and different features of the organization of these two structures.
During the research it was found that the lexical-semantic groups (LSG) of the words attributed by participial constructions and attributive clauses, coincide. Those lexical-semantic groups are as follows: “A human being,” “Spheres of life,” “Artifacts,” “Natural objects.” Some differences within subgroups were also established during the research. The undertaken analysis and the resulting statistics reveal a larger frequency of occurrences of participial constructions compared to attributive clauses, and a broader semantic and grammatical potential of the participial constructions involved.


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