Glory in Russian poetic texts: metaphoric models

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2015, Vol. 1. №4(4)

Glory in Russian poetic texts: metaphoric models

About the author:

Elena V. Kupchik, Dr. Sci. (Philol.), Professor, Department of Russian Language and General Linguistics, University of Tyumen;


The article is aimed at revealing the realization of metaphoric models, which represent linguacultural concept “glory”. The source of study is the extracts of Russian poetic texts of the XVIII-XX centuries. The extracts include comparative tropes with the subject of “glory”. It is established that “glory” in comparative constructions is usually presented by its first dictionary meaning (honorable prominence as a sign of credit and talent). Heroes, poets, tsars and battle captains become typical holders of glory. The image of glory is represented by models, which reflect the similarity of fame and a woman, a bird, a beverage, a plant and so on. Glory in Russian poetry is presented in movements, light and sounds in their great intensity. Manifestations of glory lead to the idea that it is a mighty matter, which has its great power over human beings, space and time. In the XVIII-XX century poetry glory as a rule is located in the upper space. In modern poetry, traditional image of glory is changing. It is getting down to earth, new subjects of comparison appear and they interrelate with traditional subjects.


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