2015, Vol. 1. №4(4)About the authors:
Elvira L. Shubina, Dr. Sci. (Ped.), Professor, German language Department, MGIMO University; elvira2571@vfbk.ruAbstract:
The article analyzes modified proverbs of the German language Kleinvieh macht auch Mist and Aller guten Dinge sind drei in German modern press. Most frequently used modifications of the proverb Kleinvieh macht auch Mist are “an extension of the phrase using another word”, “changing of a grammar form”, “substitution of one or some words in the proverb”. Most variants don’t change the meaning of a proverbial text and can be considered as lexical, grammatical, structural variants of proverbs. The greatest number of modifications of the proverb Aller guten Dinge sind drei undergoes the replacement of one or several words. Authors of articles fully use possibility of replacement of a component designating number. Replacements of a component result into changing the meaning of a folk wisdom. The received proverbial texts belong to transformants. The analysis of mechanisms, methods of modifications of separated and most frequently used German proverbial texts in press will allow to model proverbs in the conditions of their speech realization.Keywords:
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