2015, Vol. 1. №3(3)About the author:
Nikolay I. Pachezhertsev,Abstract:
In the article the author attempts to show the infl uence of heterodoxy (nonconformist ideas and beliefs) on the development of the Christian church. Interactions of both heterodoxy and orthodoxy, as well as features and problems of dissent within Christian existence in Russian society as a local civilization are also presented in the article. The author of the article considers the changes in the perception of religious heterodoxy by orthodoxy in historical and cultural retrospective from the Middle Ages to nowadays. In the course of the research of the impact of heterodoxy in the development and establishment of Christianity the author of the article observes that in Russian society such Christian religious denominations as the Armenian church, Copts and Protestants are considered heretic from the orthodox point of view, while in their own countries and local civilizations they are not. Due to religious heterodoxy in the Christian church, which is rooted in the tradition of dissent within Judaism, Christianity was established in the form and diversity in which it exists nowadays. Thus, the essence of the present-day evolutionary attitude to the Christian heterodoxy is the scale from complete denial of dissent within the organization of Christian orthodoxy to a dialogue with the representatives of heterodoxy.References:
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