The data from settlement-based forms as a historical source for the study of agriculture development in Yakutia

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2015, Vol. 1. №3(3)

The data from settlement-based forms as a historical source for the study of agriculture development in Yakutia

About the author:

Tamara T. Kurchatova,
Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Associate Professor, World History and Ethnology Department, North-Eastern Federal University


Sources which are still not put into scientific circulation are significant for historical research. In the article the author examines the archival material related to the 1917 agricultural census. For objective reasons, part of the census outcomes was not published and was preserved in the National Archives of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). These documents include settlement or community-based forms, which were drawn up during the census by counters according to the oral information provided by the population. These documents are preserved to a rather small extent, yet the use of such information will enrich history of the study of the agriculture development in Yakutia at the turn of the century, on the eve of social changes. The most significant data are provided by settlement-based forms on the order of community land tenure, ways of duties layout, the quality of land, pastures, field crop technology. Quite substantial data are available on hunting and fishing.


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