A myth about a book perceived as a river in the journal «Irtish turning into Hippocrene»

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2015, Vol. 1. №3(3)

A myth about a book perceived as a river in the journal «Irtish turning into Hippocrene»

About the author:

Natalia P. Dvortsova, Dr. Sci. (Philol.), Professor, Tyumen State University; n.p.dvorcova@utmn.ru


The article is devoted to the 225th anniversary of the first Siberian journal «Irtish Turning into Hippocrene», which is analyzed in relation to the issue of its place in the national tradition of book mind which is connected with the history of myth about a book perceived as a river, while this issue is not investigated in national science. For the first time the concept of myth about the book perceived as a river is formulated and its genesis is presented, including the beginnings of the myth in «The Tale of Bygone Years» (approximately the year of 1113). The myth about the book perceived as a river and its world order function is studied for the first time on the material study of correspondence between «The River Moire» and «Irtish Turning into Hippocrene». The connection is related with the myth about the book perceived as a river and the idea of Russian philosophers of the turn of the 19th-20th centuries (Vl. Soloviev, N. Fedorov, S. Bulgakov, N. Berdyaev, I. Ilyin etc.) about the art and/as theurgy. The connection and difference of «book-rivers» which were published in the printing-houses of V. Y. Korniliev (Tobolsk, 1789-1791) and K. N. Vysotskiy (Tyumen, 1878-1892) are defined in the article. The national tradition of journal «book-rivers» is retraced in the 20th century and also at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. The article is based on the analysis of unique Siberian editions from the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg).


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