2015, Vol. 1. №3(3)About the authors:
Mikhail N. Shcherbinin,Abstract:
The authors attempt to study the philosophical foundations of the modern purposeful organization of educational processes. In the course of research the authors discover that performative character and formal artistic expression are signifi cant features of public speech. Aesthetic characteristics of social life are considered to be basic and comprehensive. In this regard, a new philosophical direction called «aesthetic anthropology» is being formed, and the relevance of aesthetic-anthropological principles of scientifi c research are revealed. The authors explain and describe the subject of aesthetic-anthropological studies, which in the aggregate appears as the potential for the development of human nature in the continuum of freedomas reinforad bu aesthetic synthesis of the archetypal states of individuals. Aesthetic self-knowledge of human nature is characterized as substantive and productive, preventing undesirable consequences that may arise from recognizing «the devastating truth» about man, and thus rooted in human history as the key to infi nitism in the development of mankind and inexhaustible depths of human spirit. Along with the methods of artistic self-discovery and realization of a person the authors of the article indicated some methods of aesthetic and anthropological search. The authors study the principle of fi gurative collecting of interrelated and generalized to the integrity of human subjects. Thus, the value attitude to the deep sources of human development and self-development is justifi ed in the article.References:
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