Education for sustainable development: modeling and structuring the contents of natural science training in the humanities

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2015, Vol. 1. №3(3)

Education for sustainable development: modeling and structuring the contents of natural science training in the humanities

About the authors:

Sergey B. Ignatov, Cand. Sci. (Ped.), Assistant Professor, Department of Humanitites and Technologies, Industrial University of Tyumen;

Irina V. Ignatova,
Cand. Sociol. Sci., Associate Professor, Financial and Economic Institute, Tyumen State University


The most important means of addressing the challenges of sustainable development is education and upbringing of the population. Nowadays a new direction called «Education for sustainable development» is being formed within the sphere of pedagogics. It aims at bringing up a person with inherent ecological lifestyle. Its scientifi c foundations are formed in the process of natural-science education. Whereas comprehension of the necessity to organize human activity according to the ideals of sustainable development is formed in the course of studying social and humanitarian disciplines. In this connection, one of the methodical problems of education for sustainable development is to search for the grounds and means to integrate multi-disciplinary knowledge.The article reveals the structure and contents of the course «Modern scientifi c picture of the world», based on the idea of integration of natural and social sciences and the humanities. This course is intended for universities students. Testing this course in teaching practice has shown its positive impact on the formation of the basic components of ecological lifestyle.


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