Is there scientific potential for the development of education?

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2015, Vol. 1. №3(3)

Is there scientific potential for the development of education?

About the authors:

Vladimir I. Zagvyazinskiy,
Dr. Pedag. Sci., Professor, member of the Russian Academy of Education, Head of Academic Department of Methodology and Theory of Socio-Pedagogical Researchers, Institute of Psychology and Pedagogics, Tyumen State University

Elena A. Grigorieva, University of Tyumen


The article deals with themes required in practice and future research in order to ensure a real priority of education and its development, which allows to catch up with the world’s best educational standards. It is proved that the low demand for the results of educational research is due not only to the complete subordination of science to departmental interests and needs, the inability and unwillingness of officials to listen to the opinions and conclusions of scientists, but also to low quality of the increased flow of dissertations and publications, besides to the desire of authors carefully refrain from raising sharp, socially popular and promising issues of renovation of national education. The authors of the article propose measures to support real scientific and pedagogical schools, to methodologically educate scientific advisers and scientific tutors. In the article the experience of scientific and pedagogical schools of Tyumen State University and their role in innovation in Tyumen and the Tyumen region are analyzed.


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