2015, Vol. 1. №3(3)About the author:
Vladimir I. Zagvyazinskiy,Abstract:
Research process is usually perceived as being primarily analytical, although it starts with perception and cognition of the object of research as an undifferentiated whole and it should end after the analysis of individual aspects, trends, and characteristics of the object as a recreation based on the synthesis of a whole in some cases cognized and in many cases already modified object, its elements and relations. Analysis and synthesis are two components of a single thought process that are interrelated and interdependent. The research process is both analytical and synthetic, and in its final stage synthesis and integration, as the way to achieve synthesis, play a leading role. The final stage is a very important final segment of the search, involving not just summing up the results, but a continuation and deepening of the research search, reflection, full awareness for deeper penetration into the essence of understanding of meaning and mission of education in the context of research topics, a given problem and a proposed research hypothesis. When drawing conclusions it is signifi cant to identify (if this has not been done before), and, moreover, to use the mechanisms of integration as the methods of comparison, harmonization, cooperation between the parties, qualities, direction of the process trends, while stressing the fundamental ideas as the basis for integration. In any case, an integrative mechanism should be tested in an advance mode, not only to check its reliability, its applicability under specifi c circumstances and situations, but also in order to prepare teachers and practitioners to use it to prevent errors and costs in its mass application.Keywords:
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