The correlation between myths and metaphors in Daniil Kharms´ text

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2015, Vol. 1. №3(3)

The correlation between myths and metaphors in Daniil Kharms´ text

About the author:

Olga V. Kukarskaya,
Teaching Assistant, Post-graduate Student, English Language Department, Institute for Philology and Journalism, Tyumen State University


The article deals with the process of «reversing» metaphor in the avant-garde discourse taken from «Istoria SDYGR APPR» (1929) by Daniil Kharms. Metaphor is treated from the standpoint of a mythopoetic interpreter and from the standpoint of rational thinking. Metaphoric imagery is viewed as a basis for creating myths. The article considers the processes of mythologization and de-mythologization of the reality. The actualization of the myth in the discourse of the avant-garde writer is viewed as a digression from the normal functions of metaphors. The metaphors used by D. Kharms are decoded by the reader and perceived as semiotic signs. The relation of metaphor to symbols and icons is also taken into account. The author tries to reveal the potential of metaphor to become a symbol and analyzes metaphors rooted in myths.


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