2015, Vol. 1. №3(3)About the author:
Natalia N. Belozerova, Dr. Sci (Philol.), Professor, Department of the English Language, University of Tyumen; eLibrary AuthorID, natnicbel@gmail.comAbstract:
The author proposes her semiolinguistic analysis of Nikolai Gogol’s oeuvre «The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovitch Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovitch», with an objective to trace the functions of semiotic constants in this text and clarify why the semantic intersection of the way (form) of life, durables, and the discursive redundancy result in the absurdity situation. The analysis helped the author to conclude that the semiotic constants of this tale depend upon functional parameters of the two textual categories: point of view and «chronotope». In their turn, semantic and semiotic functions of object durables, animals and certain personages cause the revelation of fairy tale features in Gogol’s story. Besides, the textual constants are represented both through iconicity and symbolism which leads to the transformation of the verbal into the visual. Herewith every variable is connected with the change of the point of view and with the inverted parameters of the discourse, as well as with the semantic and axiological modifi cation of the intersecting vectors. In the story under analysis, the chronotope as the dominant textual category reveals itself through variables of its constituents, which causes functional inversions of the spatial deixis. Similarly, the vector of the discursive context rests upon the variables, which result in functional and semantic inversions of the space (locus).References:
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