Reading Nicolai Gogol’s oeuvre «the tale of how Ivan Ivanovitch quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovitch»

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2015, Vol. 1. №3(3)

Reading Nicolai Gogol’s oeuvre «the tale of how Ivan Ivanovitch quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovitch»

About the author:

Pierre Marillaud, Dr. of Linguistics, Associate Researcher, University Toulouse-Jean Jaurès (France); Inspector of the Honorary Academy;


The author analyses N. V. Gogol’s oeuvre «The tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovitch» from a semiotic perspective as a representative of Paris School of Semiotics. The employment of such instances or categories as the author, the narrator and the opposition «an inexperienced reader/an educated reader» makes it possible to reveal several layers of textual semantics. Thus, hidden facets of personages’ portraits are brought onto surface and the semiotic function of artistic space is analyzed. It is stated that object durables serve as engines of human relations. Gogol, being a romantic realist, presents the environment, human relations, thoughts and rituals in a rather detailed way, very often close to a caricature. It results in the presentation of human absurdity. The author concludеs that Gogol rests upon the fusion of the very realistic and the very fantastic, that, on the one hand, causes laughter and, on the other, a fi t of pessimism.


1. Gogol, N. Les veilles du hameau I: récits publis par l’apiculteur Panko le Rouge // Nicolas Gogol. Nouvelles complètes. P.: Edition Quarto Gallimard, 2010. P. 85.

2. Gogol, N. Les veilles du hameau I: récits publis par l’apiculteur Panko le Rouge // Nicolas Gogol. Nouvelles complètes. P.: Edition Quarto Gallimard, 2010. P. 97.

3. Gogol, N. Les âmes mortes. P.: Edition GF-Flammarion, 2014. P. 63.

4. Greimas, F. J., Fontanille, J. Sémiotique des passions. P.: Editions du Seuil, 1991. P. 50.

5. Nicolas Gogol — vie et oeuvre // Gogol nouvelles complètes. P.: Quarto Gallimard,

2010. P. 55.