Discussions on national policies in Kazakhstan (1925-1928)

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)

Discussions on national policies in Kazakhstan (1925-1928)

About the author:

Sattar Sh. Kaziev,
Senior Lecturer Department of History and Socio-Humanities North Kkazakhstan State University named after M. Kkozybayev (Petropavlovsk), Cand. Hist. Sci.


This article is devoted to the discussions among the republican authorities on national policy in Kazakhstan during the second half of the 1920s. National personnel managers who emerged in the course of nation-building and implementation of indigenization process sought to embody the ideas of national state construction. The ban on the relocation of the European part of the country, attempts to maintain the practice of indigenization and prevent the destruction of the nomadic communities led to the conflict with national communists supporters, rigid centralization, and class struggle led by the F.I. Goloshekin. The conflict between the supporters of opposing social projects finished in a defeat of national opposition in 1928.


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