2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)About the authors:
Gennady S. Zaitsev,Abstract:
This article dwells on participation of the Siberians (including “temporary ones”) in World War II. It’s not only about their participation in the fighting in the European part of Russia and in the liberation of Central Europe. It’s also about military action in Siberia during 1942-1944 years (north of the Tyumen Region and the Krasnoyarsk Territory — the right flank of the Arctic Front), where Russians, Nenets and “Soviet” Germans participated. During the military operations, Kriegsmarine ships sailed in Soviet Arctic, their sailors fired the coast, pursued Soviet vessels, and landed on the shore of the Yamal Peninsula. Each of these groups was in one form or another, but a party of a dialogue of cultures. The specifics of the dialog of culture was in process of interaction, when appeared new phenomena, which impacted all participants (directly or indirectly). All participants (Russian, Nenets, “Soviet” Germans, prisoners of war, Kriegsmarine’s sailors) exchanged in general utilitarian products of their cultures, because of war. “Dead road” is both a fact and an image.References:
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