New professional standard for a teacher: problems of implementation

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)

New professional standard for a teacher: problems of implementation

About the author:

Yevgeny A. Yyamburg,
Director of educational centre 109 (Moscow), Academician of Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogics


A standard for a teacher is a new kind of professional standard, containing the response to the challenges and threats of the twentieth century. We are threatened by such issues as genetic fatigue, global demographic shifts, the growth of ethnic and religious tension, ideological, moral, and psychological crises. The word “standard” in our country has a negative meaning, it is associated with imposing by the authorities of not always justified transformations. And we face a difficult situation of suppression of initiative and independence of a teacher, excessive workload of a teacher, an overload of paperwork that prevents live pedagogical work and inhibits the improvement of skills and creativity of a teacher. The author believes that there was no real educational reform in Russia; there was just the reform of the economy and education management. The standard is intended to unchain creativity of a teacher, to improve the quality of education. The quality depends primarily on the qualification of teachers. Standard can serve as a tool to improve the quality of education and to move national education onto the global level. Standard is a tool to realize the strategy of education in a changing world. Therefore, it is primarily the reform of teacher training education and the logics of action is as follows: first teach, then ask. However, today there are attempts to check knowledge according to the standard. Today, a teacher must possess mobility, ability to non-standard actions, readiness to change, teamwork ability, and independence in decision-making. It is necessary to fill the new professional standard for teachers with new competencies: working with socially deviant students with serious behavioral problems; working in a school implementing inclusive education programs; the Russian language instruction to students for whom it is not native; working with students having development problems at comprehensive schools, monitoring and examination of the quality of education, its compliance with international standards.


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