Internationalisation of higher education in the context of European projects: the experience of Tyumen state university

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)

Internationalisation of higher education in the context of European projects: the experience of Tyumen state university

About the authors:

Galina V. Telegina,
Dr. Philos. Sci., Director of Regional Institute of International Cooperation, Tyumen State University

Nina V. Shtykova,
Deputy Director of the Regional Institute for international cooperation, Tyumen State University, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor


Basing on the experience of Tyumen State University, the authors are analyzing the role of the EU Program Tempus in the modernization and internationalization of Higher Education in Russia. Participation of Tyumen State University in international cooperation programs confirms that international educational and research projects, expansion of academic exchange and involving foreign students and teachers become a “school” for internationalization process, create a modern educational environment which forms modern mentality of teaching staff and students, and develop intercultural competence. International projects form the basis for the development of bilateral relations at international and domestic levels, expand the possibilities of financing research work and, ultimately, promote improvement of the quality of higher education and become a platform for further innovation. European Tempus program in this context has an important mission of not just a financial instrument for the modernization of educational technologies, but also plays the role of a powerful moral impetus for further internationalization of national high school, contributing ultimately to integration, harmony and mutual understanding. The project envisages training of foreign language teachers from universities participating in the project in innovative methods of teaching with extensive use of online technologies, the creation of the necessary material and educational base, and the development of practice-oriented master’s programs for teacher training schools.


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