Lecture-provocation or the use of teaching technique “planned mistake” in teaching economic disciplines

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)

Lecture-provocation or the use of teaching technique “planned mistake” in teaching economic disciplines

About the author:

Natalia V. Zyleva,
Senior Lecturer, Department of Economic Security, accounting, analysis and audit, Tyumen State University


Recently, lecture hours on many economic subjects have decreased. This is due to the abundance of both printed and electronic sources of information from which students can independently boost knowledge. In this regard, the informative function of lectures ceases to be a leading one, giving way to the developing. The task of a lecturer in modern conditions is not just, to provide students with necessary material, yet to encourage students to search for information, teach them to reflect and speculate. Teaching methods is an area for a teacher’s creative activity, yet their variety is underutilized in the educational process of higher education institutions. From a variety of educational techniques of particular interest there exists the method of “Planned error”, which, in our vision, has great potential for developing and learning potential, yet is underused in reality. The purpose of the article is to prove the possibility of effective use of the “Planned error” teaching technique when lecturing at higher educational establishments. The author employs the following methods: theoretical analysis of literature on didactics, a diagnostic method (a questionnaire on the use of the “Planned error” teaching technique by university teachers) forming the experiment. In the article the author has managed to reveal the stages of preparation and conducting a lecture-provocation, to design and present a sample provocation lecture on “Accounting” included into the educational program “Economics” for Bachelors. Practical significance is assessed by the fact that the materials presented in the article may be employed by lecturers of higher educational institutions in the preparation of provocation lectures, aimed at generation of concentration skills; diagnosis of presented material, its critical evaluation; argumentation and challenging personal views, self-control of residual knowledge.


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