Personality development in the metalinguistic educational school environment: scientific and methodical guidelines

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)

Personality development in the metalinguistic educational school environment: scientific and methodical guidelines

About the author:

Elena N. Volodina, Cand. Sci. (Philol.), Associate Professor, Tyumen Regional State Institute of Development of Regional Education;


This article deals with methodological basis for personality development and ways of forming humanitarian culture of schoolchildren as part of overall culture with a mediating role of language as a semiotic and cultural phenomenon. In the article it is proved that according to the requirements of new educational standards purposeful and systematic development of personality requires implementation of new methodological strategies within metalinguistic school environment, and hence updating methodological tools of a teacher.The author of the article reveals the author’s concept of a personality language development in pedagogical semiosphere and the concept of meta-language as a pedagogical phenomenon that has a systematic character in educational semiotics. A meta-language is a universal language, the language of culture, serves as a productive way of creating meta-scientific concepts and as a tool to master all subject areas and different “subject” languages of school disciplines. In this article on the basis of experimental educational practice in the Tyumen region productive experience of implementing inter-integrational humanitarian approaches (linguistic and cultural, semiotic, and hermeneutic) is generalized. Enhancement of their semantic and value potential is going to create conditions for the design of metalinguistic educational environment as a dimension of intersection of different languages, and meta-subject, cognitive and linguistic vision of the world, the area where different speech practices interact. Within educational semiosphere comprehensive implementation of modern humanitarian approaches enables to create pedagogical value-semantic context of cultural and linguistic orientation based on the actualization of common cultural components of different spheres of knowledge, represented by symbols and characters, images and models, text and diagrams. In the context of practical methodology in the article some guidelines to implement the developed theoretical concepts at different levels of education are represented.


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