Formation of students-bachelors’ readiness to resolution of conflicts in educational process of preschool educational institutions

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)

Formation of students-bachelors’ readiness to resolution of conflicts in educational process of preschool educational institutions

About the authors:

Galina M. Boltunova,
PhD, Associate Professor Department of Theory and Methodology for primary and pre-school education Tyumen State University branch in Ishim

Tatiana V. Belova,
PhD, Associate Professor Department of Theory and Methodology for primary and pre-school education Tyumen State University branch in Ishim


This article focuses on the importance of students-bachelors’ readiness to resolve conflicts in modern educational process at preschool educational institutions. The analysis of practice and the assessment of teachers’ readiness to resolve conflicts that occur in educational process confirm the value and importance of forming this readiness within the structure of vocational training in higher education institutions. The authors of the article characterize the ways to form theoretical, psychological and practical readiness of students-bachelors to resolve conflicts that children of preschool and school age have. The article reveals the authors’ approach to the systematization of students’ knowledge on conflicts and formation of corresponding skills. The article shows the possibilities to use “success situation” as means to form positive relation of the first-year students to the resolution of difficult pedagogical situations.The authors of the article prove the expediency to implement interactive technologies (case-studies and simulation games), that help to form necessary ability to identify conflicts, to analyze conflicts, to reflect on them, and to choose productive strategies and tactics to resolve conflicts in educational process. The main criteria of assessment of students-bachelors’ readiness to resolve conflicts in educational process at preschool educational institutions are formulated in the article.


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