Modelling the processes of text shaping in the poetry cycle (A. S. Pushkin “imitating the Koran”)

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)

Modelling the processes of text shaping in the poetry cycle (A. S. Pushkin “imitating the Koran”)

About the author:

Galina G. Moskalchuk,
Professor of the Department of Linguistics and Russian Language Teaching Methods, Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Dr. Philol. Sci.


This article regards the issues of applying methods of linguistic synergetics to modeling of a cycle uniting diverse poems into a single whole. The positional approach to text formation and the theory of strong positions of a text are based on invariance and self-similarity of production and perception of texts. A cycle, regarded as a text, represents a complex integral unity of dynamic processes and language units. Positional analyses of convertibility of the components of the cycle and each separate poem allows to analyse their being separately and jointly. The main principle of text formation are: self-similarity of forms of a text and numerous contrasts such as volume, rhythm of a form, meters, attractors of the 1st and the 2nd degree, which complement each other and subordinate other components of the form.


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