Bakhtin, chronotope and two kant’s aesthetics (comments to some footnote)

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)

Bakhtin, chronotope and two kant’s aesthetics (comments to some footnote)

About the author:

Tatiana S. Karachentseva,
The Department of Philosophy, The Faculty of Humanities, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)


This article deals with the conceptual paradox of the notion of chronotope, which consists in the fact that, according to Bakhtin, this notion must be a category (in the Kantian sense) and, at the same time, a form of intuition. The comparative analysis of Kant’s aesthetics (in its two senses) and Bakhtin’s aesthetics is used as a research tool. It is shown that a consistent interpretation of the chronotope both as a category of literature and a form of vision becomes possible only on the basis of Bakhtin’s idea that aesthetics has its own categories, not borrowed from the theory of knowledge and ethics, by which the “real existence” is transposed into the dimension of literary presentation.


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2. Bakhtin, M. M. Tvorchestvo Fransua Rable i narodnaja kul'tura srednevekov'ja i Renessansa [Creativity of Francois Rabelais and popular culture of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance] // Works in seven vol. M.: Russian dictionaries, 2010. Vol. 4 (2). Pp. 7-516. (in Russian)

3. Bakhtin, M. M. Problemy pojetiki Dostoevskogo [The problems of Dostoevsky's poetics] // Works in 7 vols. M.: Russian dictionaries, 2002. Vol. 6. 732 p. (in Russian)

4. Bakhtin, M. M. Avtor i geroj v jesteticheskoj dejatel'nosti [Author and Hero in Aesthetic Activity] // Works in 7 vols. M.: Russian dictionaries, 2003. Vol. 1. Pp. 69-264. (in Russian)

5. Bakhtin, M. M. K filosofii postupka [Towards a philosophy of the act] // Works in 7 vols. M.: Russian dictionaries, 2003. Vol. 1. Pp. 1-68. (in Russian)

6. Kant, I. Kritika sposobnosti suzhdenija [Kant I. Critique of Judgment] // Collected Works in 8 vols. M.: Choro, 1994. vol. 5. 414 p. (in Russian)

7. Kant, I. Kritika chistogo razuma [Kant I. Critique of Pure Reason] // Kant I. Collected Works in 8 vols. M.: Choro, 1994. vol. 3. 592 p. (in Russian)

8. Bemong, N., Borghart, P. (ed.). Bakhtin's Theory of the Literary Chronotope: Reflections, Applications, Perspectives. Gent: Academia Press, 2010. 250 p.

9. Deleuze, G. O chetyreh pojeticheskih formulah, kotorye mogli by rezjumirovat' filosofiju Kanta [On four poetic formulas which might summarize the Kantian philosophy] // Deleuze Critical and clinical. SPb.: Machina, 2002. Pp. 13-17. (in Russian)