2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)About the author:
Natalia P. Dvortsova, Dr. Sci. (Philol.), Professor, Tyumen State University; n.p.dvorcova@utmn.ruAbstract:
This article is devoted to the 225th birthday anniversary of the poet and first Siberian editor P. P. Sumarokov. The subject of research in this paper is genesis, evolution and typology of Tobolsk journals of the 18th century which were created by a deported poet. The first Siberian journal “Irtish pass into Hippocrene” (1789-1891) is presented on the base of methodology of comparative, historical and typological analysis in the context of metamorphoses poetics in the creation by I. F. Bogdanovich (“Dushenka”), Ovidius (“Metamorphoses”), Apuleius (“The Golden Ass or Metamorphoses”). The poetics of differences between “metamorphoses” and “transformation” is characterized (Old Greek Μεταμόρφωσις) in this article. In the article the model of communication of the first Siberian journals and the logics of their evolution are determined from readers’ point of view. The evolution of P. P. Sumarokov’s publishing strategy from “Irtish pass into Hippocrene” to “Scholar, economic, moral, historical and pleasure library for benefit and enjoyment of readers of any class” is analyzed in the context of comparative and historical study of the concepts of “metamorphoses” and “transformation”.Keywords:
1. Irtysh, prevrashhajushhijsja v Ipokrenu [Irtish pass into Hippocrene]. 1789. September. Tobolsk: V. Korniliev publishing house. (in Russian)
2. Irtysh, prevrashhajushhijsja v Ipokrenu [Irtish pass into Hippocrene]. 1791. January. Tobolsk: V. Korniliev publishing house. (in Russian)
3. Zhizn’ P. P. Sumarokova // Stihotvorenija Pankratija Sumarokova [Life of P. P. Sumarokov // Poems by Pankratiy Sumarokov]. SPb.: Pluchart publishing house, 1832. (in Russian)
4. Ivanov, V. V. Metamorfozy // Mify narodov mira: Jenciklopedija [Metamorphoses // Nations’ myths: Enciclopedia]. In 2 volumes. Vol. 2. М., 1994. (in Russian)
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7. Apulej Lucij. Metamorfozy, ili Zolotoj osel. Perevod s latinskogo M. A. Kuz’mina [Apuleius Lucius. The Golden Ass or Metamorphoses. Translated from the Latin by M. A . K uzmin]. М., 2010. URL: (date of access: 10.01.2015). (in Russian)
8. Bogdanovich, I. F. Stihotvorenija i pojemy [Songs and poems]. L., 1957. URL: http:// (date of access: 10.01.2015). (in Russian)
9. Trunin, I. Oda Irtyshu, prevrashhajushhemusja v Ipokrenu // Irtysh, prevrashhajushhijsja v Ipokrenu [Ode for Irtish pass into Hippocrene // Irtish pass into Hippocrene]. 1790. January. (in Russian)
10. Biblioteka uchenaja, jekonomicheskaja, nravouchitel’naja, istoricheskaja i uveselitel’naja v pol’zu i udovol’stvie vsjakogo zvanija chitatelej [Scholar, economic, moral, historical and pleasure library for benefit and enjoyment of readers of any class]. Part I. Tobolsk: V. Korniliev publishing house. 1793. (in Russian)
11. Dmitriev-Mamonov A. I. Nachalo pechati v Sibiri [The beginning of printing in Siberia]. SPb., 1900. (in Russian)