The problems of modeling practice-oriented research activity of student — teachers within the dimension of university education

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)

The problems of modeling practice-oriented research activity of student — teachers within the dimension of university education

About the author:

Yekaterina V. Bobyreva, Dr. Sci. (Philol.), Professor, Department of English Language, Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University;


This article deals with the issues of cognitive and emotional space of religious communication as well as the peculiarities of change of emotional background in the process of religious discourse constructing. Emotive function is one of the leading ones in religious discourse. In the process of any communication there arises interrelation of cognitiveemotional spaces of partners of communication. For religious discourse the factor of the unity of religious beliefs and degree of churching of a person are equally important. In the process of communication in religious discourse the change of emotional state of partners in communication takes place. The article investigates stages of formation and development of communicative competence in religious discourse as well as the peculiarities of changing of emotional background on each particular stage of communicative competence formation. In most cases emotional state of the partners change, taking positive direction, which is determined by the global goals of religious discourse.


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