Factors of Russian national identity formation of university students

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2015, Vol. 1. №1(1)

Factors of Russian national identity formation of university students

About the author:

Larissa A. Semenova,
Senior Lecturer, Noyabrsk Humanitarian and Ecological Institute (Tyumen State University branch)


The article deals with the social, historical, socio-cultural factors that contribute to the formation of a Russian national identity. The definition of «Russian national identity» and «the formation of Russian national identity of students» are presented. The description of the process and stages of formation of a Russian national identity of students of the university are given. The process of formation of a Russian identity is based on the idea of a conscious differentiation in the perception of differences and similarities shared with communities that contributes to the attainment of a student representations about national boundaries and features. Strengthening of a Russian identity takes place on the basis of a cultural and historical identification markers based on the perception of intra-group similarities and differences. It is proved that the creative and transforming activity and creating products of a sociocultural significance mobilize their activity and responsibility. The conclusions were made about the effectiveness of the educational process in unity with education, with the use of the activity and hermeneutical approaches, that is proved by the statistical data of an experimental work.


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