2015, Vol. 1. №1(1)About the author:
Oxana S. Zadorina,Abstract:
This article examines the problems associated with teaching students of master's education: the scale of the challenges faced by students during the development of a large number of professional activities; heterogeneous training and age composition of students; the unwillingness of many students to various types of professional activities in the magistracy; low research potential of undergraduates and others. The factors contributing to the awareness of students to choose their path of professional self-determination and master's programs are identified. Among them are the serial introduce students to the essence of the magistracy, with the features of the content of certain master's degree programs, requirements for undergraduates; to prepare students for research activities through the development of cognitive needs and interest in scientific work, and to promote the mastery of the methodology of scientific research, its application to meet emerging challenges professional orientation, acquisition of personal experience, research activities; taking into account the personal characteristics of students and the formation of an adequate self-assessment.Keywords:
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