2015, Vol. 1. №1(1)About the author:
Vladimir I. Zagvyazinskiy,Abstract:
The author raises and examines the problems of achieving harmony of social strategy in the state, educational policy and practice of the national education reform over the past quarter of the century. Certain achievements and serious omissions and losses in the process of modernization of education, especially in the area of socialization and education of the younger generation are revealed in the article. The author insists upon the necessity to maintain the leading role of the teacher, live communication with his students (pupils), replacing the ineffective teacher technical communication and interaction in virtual space. This approach is consistent with the requirements of the latest generation of educational standards where competence approach is defined as a major landmark in the cultural and creative output position for shaping “human culture”. Options for radical modernization of training a new generation of teachers are discussed in this article, including an important rolethat the university model of teacher education will play. This model enables the integration of university science into fundamental, universal, cultural capacity which should involve students into research and further into traditional psychological and pedagogical training, that has been provided to a larger extent in pedagogical institutes. The prospect to maintain and raise a higher level of pedagogical professionalism is coming into surface. The following prospect comes into surface: upon the bases of an advance orientation of the Russian system of education to provide the revival of its quality and high international rating, the role of a competent creative teacher being leading.Keywords:
1. Professional standard of the teacher / Order of the Ministry of Labour of Russia of 18.10.2013 № 544n “On the approval of the teacher professional standard” (teaching activities in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary education) (tutor, teacher) “(Registered in the Russian Ministry of Justice 06.12.2013 № 30550). URL:;base=LAW;N= 155553
2. Zagvyazinsky, V.I. Nastupit li epokha Vozrozhdeniia?.. Strategiia innovatsionnogo razvitiia rossiiskogo obrazovaniia [Will a Renaissance arrive? .. The strategy of innovative development of the Russian education]. Moscow, 2014. (in Russian).
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