The problem of training teachers for the creation of conditions of meaning in the educational process

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2015, Vol. 1. №1(1)

The problem of training teachers for the creation of conditions of meaning in the educational process

About the author:

Eugenia G. Belyakova, Dr Sci. (Ped.), Professor, Academic Department of Methodogy and Theory of Social and Pedagogical Research, Tyumen State University;


The author focuses upon current issues of pedagogical education in Russia in the period of its reforms and insists upon the necessity to bring up students who can answer every challenge of recent demands for research, including awareness, creativity and the ability to find out non-trivial ways of problem-solving. In this regard educating students how to find sense in studying every discipline, motivation to studies, values, outlooks, and other revelations of meaningful attitude to the reality including her or his own personality is of greatest importance. This task in its essence is a creative one and couldn’t be solved with the help of a certain algorithm. In this article the author states that the major objective to train a good teacher is to create a sense-rich environment. Another focus lies in educating personal and professional qualities and abilities of a teacher, which is necessary to solve this problem, among them most important being creative approach to pedagogical activity, research strategy, readiness for self- improvement, openness for new knowledge, communicative tolerance, pedagogical tact, the ability to trace sense and the tendency to keep to the “Ecology of senses”. The programme to develop professional value thinking, to master the procedure of text-interpretation with the further purpose to launch a discussion is provided. The programme is supported by the sample tasks, as well as by the results of a diagnostic research.


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